"The longest piece on the album and its closer. (...in PROG terms, I guess this is the EPIC!)
I wanted this to be quite a brooding piece as its main topic concerns Air Pollution.
Simply put folks, we are poisoning ourselves!
I had an image of a Dark Sun hanging in a Dark sky (because of smog and the air thick black with toxic debris)
whilst the transport goes about its normal daily routines and business below it, spitting out fumes and pollution
with chimneys pumping gases up and out of tall stained chimneys, I found this image both compelling and very visual.
I wanted to write a song about that picture in my minds eye.
The piece also projects ahead to a time where clean air is in short supply and the nomadic human population is in search of it, wherever they can find it.
Mans' ability to turn most good things to shit is a recurring feature of many of the songs on this new album and also in my MANNING albums back catalogue...I am getting older and more cranky, but I am not stopping from pointing things like this out now! " (Guy)
Air Pollution

Picture by Antonio Seijas
The warming Earth takes centre stage, counting down time
And in our daily lives, we're not reading the signs
We stand at the crossroads of pollution and energy
The fuels that we burn, compress our space - Welcome to the 21st Century!
Dark Sun.....
Hanging in a Dark sky....
Over Dark streets
Where the transport rumbles by
Our future is doubtful, under the dimming of a fading star
Hanging in the balance, we cannot stay as we are
Suffocation, extermination, we cannot catch a breath
No clear horizons or path, laid out, to what comes next
From New York to London Town, it all remains the same
From Sydney to Paris - it’s a waiting game
In the air we take in, the wind that blows - darkness grows
There is a solution; there is time, with a first foot placed on our ladder climb
Someone else's sadness
Someone else's pain
Someone else's madness
Lost within the haze again
Somewhere there's a home
A home for us to find
No longer blind, we're no longer blind...
But the light is growing dim
The clouds are crowding in
Breathe, just breathe and live
Somewhere there's a home and we'll no longer be alone,
Crying in the night, for second sight |