"The brief was really very simple for me on this one. I wanted a funky soulful ballad.
A sort of The Temptations meets Marvin Gaye feel (the presence of "What's Going On?" was never far from my mind).
The lyric really sums up my own 'depression' at turning the TV on to always seem to find the World in a mess...riots, burning cars, violence on the streets, gun crime, murder, looting...the list goes ever on sadly.
There has to be a tipping point.
As an aging song writer there is nothing purely physically that I can personally do now to try get us back 'on track', other than, in words, protest, BUT....I can and should write a song about how I feel and maybe, hopefully, stir a thought or two in the listener!" (Guy)
Whatever you believe in, redeem in...you've just crossed the line...
It's not so good when I see it all over the TV Screen
Riots and burning
All day long, on the streets, in our houses
Why do we ask ....are you different to me?
Why do we question ....diversity?
Celebrate all the wonders of the Earth
Unique and amazing - can't you see what it’s worth?
Build it up, move it round, hold it out - make magic
Live and let live is the only way to be
Oh! We're running out of Time
Oh! Wake up and be alive, stay alive
Oh! We're running out of Time
Oh! Whatever you believe in, redeem in, you've just crossed the line |