Are you harbouring a sorrow?
Are you harvesting the pain?
Do you wait at disused sidings for a late train
Your wind swept hair is battered by the breeze
and so it whips across your face
held in place by sea salt and tears in the rain
And I don't know where my feelings start
And I don't know where they'll end
I 'm on the 4:15 down to hard times
With tears in the rain
But I 'm not in isolation
There are people here at hand
And I'm the central figure that they all walk to
with their arms outstretched
More footsteps in quicksand
Hear the whistle, feel the heat
The old train makes its last run
Picks up the people as it gathers speed
On it's its way to journeys done
Are you harbouring a sorrow?
Are you harvesting the pain?
Do you wait at disused sidings for a late train
For you last train?
The song deals with 2 aspects:
a) the break up of a relationship and the self
pity and self preservation/importance that results.
b) Life as a journey
The train image pops up time and time again as a metaphor for the
'travelling' we all do in Life and I think it is a good