The pilot does up his overcoat (Goodbye, goodbye,
and takes a brief look up at the clear blue skies (Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye)
"See you later boys" as he flies away
The boys are waiting every day
Flight 19 Left the screens and flew away
Flight 19 The sound of engines far away
The ocean cuts a jagged path in the quiet sea breeze
"Set a heading for the aerodrome, it's across from the Florida Keys"
A backward glance at the greenery, he's not as sure as he used to be
Flight 19 Left the screens and flew away
Flight 19 The sound of engines far away
...The dusty past and the old runways
...Can you hear me?
The oceans runs to meet the sky (Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye)
And the memories with a passing cry (Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye)
Keep in formation as they start to climb,
The flash of sunlight on the chrome fuel lines of Flight 19
...Can you hear me?
Flight 19. The infamous training mission that took off one bright blue clear
skied day into the Bermuda Triangle and was never heard from again. I try
to examine the viewpoint of the lead Pilot and like the sense of history and
loss in it. As if one could just see a brief glimpse of them on the right
day if you happened to be looking up!