Sister Marie was a Holy Nurse
I learned for myself that all woman is cursed
Father Franks will never walk again
His leg was crushed by a car in the lane
Catholic Education Black and White
Catholic Education Day and Night
Sister Jean D'Arc dyed her hair red
Kept bottles of perfume above her bed
Dennis Wheatleys ' high on a shelf
A big secret to keep to oneself
Do you smell incense in your head?
Want to die as you pray for the dead
Forgive me father for I have sinned
It 's been such a long time since I came to see you
Drinks by the river, veils in the church
Kneel on your knees till your kneecaps hurt
Did you ever question? did you ever swear?
Of confess some blasphemy, did you ever dare?
Catholic Education Black and
Catholic Education Day and
The lyric for this comes from a night I spent chatting with Joy (the flat
mate of my then girlfriend) about her experiences growing up in a Catholic
Boarding school. Strange, but true...these characters actually existed! Joy
found the whole experience nightmarish and I tried to capture that claustrophobic
feeling in the song.